Wednesday, July 20, 2011

and so i begin another own

how do i do it?
how do i manage it all?
how do jason and i stay strong together?
with God...and coffee. 
copious amounts of coffee. 
i have often said i need an iv drip of caffeine. 
but coffee aside, God is the one holding it all together.  He has us all so tightly knit to one another that we can't help but get through. 
jason and i don't go to church.  we don't read the bible regularly.  we forget to set aside time to be with God. 
and yet, He is there. 
we know it. 
there is no other explanation. 
but coffee helps. 
a lot.
the first day i met my dear friend heidi, we were in the waiting room outside the mary bridge picu.  we discussed our boys.  we discussed our families.  and then we discussed how essential faith is in surviving all this.  one of us, i don't remember who, said it would be impossible to make it through each day and each trial without God.
there was also a day last year when this same dear friend commented on one of my many facebook posts about being up all night with Tiernan.  she said it is amazing what we mamas can do on very little sleep...with enough coffee, that is.  ;)
so, what am i hoping to accomplish with God and coffee?
now that Tiernan is doing so much better, i want to refocus on me and my husband. 
today i got up (because the wee t woke me up) at 5:15 am.  once i got him back to sleep i could have easily just climbed back in bed.  but i didn't. 
i went downstairs and turned on a yoga video and did yoga for 45 minutes.
and here is the amazing part...
i did that BEFORE i had my latte!!!! 
that, my friends, is a first and took a lot of will power because i never know when that little boy of mine will wake up. i know that little boy of mine inevitably wakes up when i am ready to settle down with my latte...regardless of time.
i haven't done yoga in a loooooong time.  or any exercise for that matter.  so i am pretty pleased with myself. 
i want to keep this up. 
i have been inspired by my auntie mary who has just finished a grueling masters program.  she has started a 30 day bikram (hot) yoga regimen to get herself focused and reprogramed.  she has been blogging about her experience here if you are interested. 
anyway, i want to do this now while i am on summer vaca.  while my older son is still at the grands' in montana. 
i also want to spend more time focused on my husband.  because he is dreamy.  and funny.  and my best friend.  and we have had something like 6 dates in the last 2 years.  not. cool. 
i want us to have dates in our living room every night this week.  just like the "old days".  lol
and finally, i want to spend more time focused on God.
because He is the reason jason and i are still standing.
He is the reason my smallest son is still alive. 
and He is the one who gave us show us He loves us.  very much.

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